April 07, 2005

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms - 117
We went to see the Cherry Blossoms (see my photographs) this afternoon and, being the insane people we are (and because Ann's working retail and her feet are killing her and I sprained my ankle nearly two weeks ago (and it is still killing me) we decided to drive there. But Ann's the parking goddess (and the threat of rain helped) and, like 2002 when we last went, we got parking almost immediately right in the lot across the basin from Jefferson. (Now THAT was a long sentence). It began to sprinkle the second we got out of the car but that didn't stop us from taking 128 pictures and having fun. Right when we finished the roll (CF card) it began to pour so we bopped over to Bertucci's and had dinner.

After dinner we went to Barnes & Noble so I could use the last of the gift card my mother sent me for my birthday. There, Jack played with a 3 year old boy who was there with his two fathers. In the car Jack was incredulous, "He has two fathers? No one can have two fathers!"

"Sure they can," we both said and proceeded to explain about adoption and how couples come in all varieties.

It's at this point in the narrative that I should remind you, dear reader, that Jack goes to a baptist pre-school. You just know that we'll be getting an angry call tomorrow.

Posted by andyjw at April 7, 2005 10:58 PM